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日期:2017-12-07 作者:
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姓名:赵卫雄                  性别:男

职务:研究室主任              职称:研究员

学历:博士                    研究方向:高灵敏度激光光谱学及其应用等





1. Ultra-sensitive measurement of peroxy radicals by chemical amplification broadband cavity-enhanced spectroscopy
Yang Chen, Chengqiang Yang, Weixiong Zhao*, Bo Fang, Xuezhe Xu, Yanbo Gai, Xiaoxiao Lin, Weidong Chend, Weijun Zhang*
Analyst, 2016, 141, 5870-5878. [doi:10.1039/C6AN01038E]

2. Optical properties of atmospheric fine particles near Beijing during the HOPE-J3A campaign
Xuezhe Xu, Weixiong Zhao*, Qilei Zhang, Shuo Wang, Bo Fang, Weidong Chen, Dean S. Venables, Xinfeng Wang, Wei Pu, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Gao, Weijun Zhang*
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 6421-6439, 2016. [doi:10.5194/acp-16-6421-2016]

3. Development of a cavity-enhanced aerosol albedometer
Wei-Xiong Zhao, Xue-Zhe Xu, Mei-Li Dong, Wei-Dong Chen, Xue-Jun Gu, Chang-Jin Hu, Ying-Bo Huang, Xiao-Ming Gao, Wei Huang, Wei-Jun Zhang*
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7(8), 2551-2566 (2014). [doi:10.5194/amt-7-2551-2014]

4. Wavelength-Resolved Optical Extinction Measurements of Aerosols Using Broad-Band Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy over the Spectral Range of 445–480 nm
Weixiong Zhao, Meili Dong, Weidong Chen, Xuejun Gu, Changjin Hu, Xiaoming Gao, Wei Huang*, Weijun Zhang*
Analytical Chemistry 85 (4): 2260–2268 (2013) [doi:10.1021/ac303174n]

5. High sensitivity Faraday rotation spectrometer for hydroxyl radical detection at 2.8 m
W. Zhao, G. Wysocki, W. Chen*, W. Zhang*
Applied Physics B 109(3): 511-519 (2012)

6. Sensitive and Selective Detection of OH Free Radical using Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy at 2.8 μm
Weixiong Zhao, Gerard Wysocki, Weidong Chen*, Eric Fertein, David Lecoq, Denis Petitprez, Weijun Zhang
Optics Express 19(3): 2493-2501 (2011)

7. Absorption spectroscopy of formaldehyde at 1.573 μm
Weixiong Zhao, Xiaoming Gao*, Lunhua Deng, Teng Huang, Tao Wu, Weijun Zhang
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 107(2): 331-339 (2007)

8. Use of integrated cavity output spectroscopy for studying gas phase chemistry in a smog chamber: Characterizing the photolysis of methyl nitrite (CH3ONO)
Weixiong Zhao, Xiaoming Gao*, Liqing Hao, Mingqiang Huang, Teng Huang, Tao Wu, Weijun Zhang, Weidong Chen
Vibrational Spectroscopy 44(2): 388-393 (2007)

9. Wavelength modulated off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy in the near infrared
Weixiong Zhao, Xiaoming Gao*, Weidong Chen, Weijun Zhang, Teng Huang, Tao Wu, Hyungki Cha
Applied Physics B 86(2): 353-359(2007)


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